

Welcome! We are a research group based at the University of Bristol (UK), engaged in a variety of projects related to energy conversion and storage, new materials discovery and stimuli-responsive, adaptive materials. Our expertise covers data science, materials chemistry and engineering, and since the Covid pandemic, we also venture into computational methods to bring a theoretical aspect to our research endeavours.



Find more about our teaching activities at the University of Bristol. We have provided a blend of online and in-person lectures and workshops to undergraduate and postgraduate students in chemistry, in data science, and in materials engineering.



Meet the team! We are a cross-disciplinary group based at the School of Chemistry, at the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology, and at the Bristol Composites Institute, and we collaborate very closely with other research groups across the University of Bristol (and beyond).

The lab welcomes its first student members!

Stella Wang and James Davies are joining the lab to carry out their MSci research projects over the upcoming academic year! They will study microporous and/or conjugated polymers for catalytic and light harvesting applications. Welcome and enjoy!

RAMS 2019 conference

The conference season draws to a close – Sebastien attended the Recent Appointees in Materials Science (RAMS) in Liverpool. It was great to present past and present research, make new connections, meet old friends and discuss ideas with like-minded early career researchers. The two-day conference was held at the brand new Materials Innovation Factory (MIF)

Gordon Conference on Nanoporous Materials

Sebastien just came back from America where he attended the Gordon conference on nanoporous materials. The conference revolved mainly around MOFs and zeolites, but there were interesting talks about organic materials too. The conference was a chance to meet people from all around the world and to create new connections. It was held at the

MC14 Conference in Birmingham

After a poster last week in Cardiff, this time Sebastien presented his first oral talk at a conference as a #newPI. MC14 is a flagship conference on materials research in the UK, and was a great opportunity to get to know the community and meet old acquaintances (as well as to visit the City Hall

UK Por Mat conference in Cardiff

This week, Sebastien spends two days in neighbouring Cardiff on the occasion of the UK Por Mat conference. This is a great initiative to gather a community of researchers interested in this topic, and to discuss the latest developments in the field. On this occasion Sebastien presented a poster, which is his first presentation as

Website launched!

Still quite a bit under construction, the web site of the Rochat Lab is now online! The address was on the poster presented today at UKPorMat2019 conference – a good incentive to launch a beta version! Stay tuned for updates and more information in the near future!

The Rochat lab is live!

As of May 1st, Sebastien starts his independent Fellowship at the University of Bristol! Now it is time to build this web site… stay tuned!